The necessity of an interface Platform that converting the information to a fact. and trying to find the best way to conjugate efforts and to facilitate the interaction of different actors at different levels from the Arabic countries to EU and vice versa.

The European Union and the surrounding “Brussels Bubble” is indeed a crucial area for
any interest present in Europe. Organizations which fully integrate the EU dimension into their
strategy will reap short and long-term benefits if they are soundly advised and made fully aware of regulatory and competitive developments in Brussels.
Services provided to clients include analysis and preparation work, assistance, monitoring, strategy definition, networking, representation, alliance building, communication, and lobbying action plans.

Our methodology is founded on a perfect detailed understanding of EU decision-making procedures and full awareness of the European regulatory and political environment. This allows us to:
– Develop and engage in “Bottom up” advocacy strategies.
– Identify and develop relationships with the full scope of actors active on a European issue.
– Anticipate regulatory and political developments and act accordingly.
– Fine tune the implementation of European policies notably through our expert knowledge of procedures, Comitology included.
– Engage with the European Institutions and stakeholders in a pro-active and ethical manner.
Combining this expertise with the high-level international network, we can:
– Engage with “Leading EU stakeholders” for “Top-down” advocacy.
– Advocacy partnerships and transversal alliances in Brussels and in European capital cities.
– Combine coordinated actions at European and national levels.
– Defend the interests of our clients in urgent situations and rapidly react to unwanted developments.
– Reach out to key target groups in the EU Member States.
– Obtain first hand information from key actors in Brussels and the EU Member States.

With 10 years of presence in the EU “Brussels Bubble”, we believe to build in a short term an extended range of clients, from major multinationals to small SMEs, as well as public administrations and NGOs.
Ultimately, we believe in creating a synergy with our clients built around our in-depth knowledge of the ins-and-outs of EU decision making combined with our clients’ technical and sector-specific expertise.
BNC will put all its efforts and energy to be registered in the EU Joint Transparency Register.